Make a difference in Indiana's solar rights.
Make a difference in Indiana's solar rights.

Solar Advocacy: Community solar for Indiana!

Build a movement for community solar in Indiana.

What is happening

Tell your legislators to support community solar!

Use our action page to contact your legislators today and tell them to support independent community solar in Indiana!

What’s happening

We’re advocating to enable independent community solar in Indiana. It’s clear that local clean energy is our future, but it needs to be the future for all Hoosiers—not just big companies and utilities.

Our shared vision is a statewide policy that supports:

  • Community and other independent ownership of community solar
  • Tangible savings for subscribers
  • Competitive and transparent markets for community solar development
  • Equitable access to the benefits of community solar for all Hoosiers
  • Living wage jobs and careers in renewable energy for Hoosiers

Community solar can benefit Hoosiers

Community solar offers the benefit of solar to those who can’t, or prefer not to, install panels on their own home. Community solar allows individuals, businesses, or organizations to subscribe to a “share” in a local solar project. When you join a community solar project, you receive a credit on your electric bill each month. The size of your share determines how much credit you receive.

Community solar can provide meaningful savings on utility bills, usually from 5-20%. Community solar projects also create real, local economic impacts, creating jobs and building wealth in the communities where the project is built. Independent community solar programs are available in 22 states. Unfortunately, it is currently not legal in Indiana.

That’s why we are organizing a movement of solar supporters in Indiana to bring community solar to our state – take action by filling out the form to the right.

Learn more about community solar here.