DC Council Budget Hearing on Renewable Energy Cuts

By Emily Steiver on April 30, 2010

At the DC Council Hearing today, I will provide testimony indicating that the demand for solar rebates appears to be growing at an 85% clip.  Projecting that out over four years (2009-2012) will put the demand for rebates at almost 1,800 residents.  This projects to a total demand for solar of $20 million over the four years.  DC originally allocated $8 million and are trying to take $2.3 million away (by using 2009 and 2011 money for other purposes).  This means that about 1,200 people will not get rebates, and that installations will come to a grinding halt by the middle of 2011.  I’ve posted some charts and graphs over on the Capitol Hill Energy Coop page at www.capitolhillenergycoop.org  Help us let the Council know that we need to grow this program out, not kill it.