Homeowners Associations and Solar Access in Ohio

Unreasonable Rooftop Solar Limits Restricted in Ohio

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) define a neighborhood’s custom rules through their bylaws. Many HOAs have tried to restrict homeowners’ ability to go solar. But, Senate Bill 61, signed into law in 2022, prevents HOAs from doing so. The bill makes solar more accessible for homeowners living in HOAs that want to go solar.

The bipartisan bill, now law, protects homeowners that want to install solar on their homes. HOA’s are allowed to place reasonable restrictions on size, location, and method of installation. However, HOAs can still ban solar installations through the HOA’s declaration. The declaration requires a 75% vote of the homeowners to modify, unless otherwise specified. Fortunately, this makes rule changes to limit solar very difficult.

HOAs without solar restrictions in the declaration, must allow solar installations. For more information see Ohio Revised Code Section 5312.16.

Need legal help?

If you believe your HOA is not abiding by state law and unreasonably limiting rooftop solar installs, SUN Ohio would recommend reaching out to Case Western’s Environmental Law Clinic: 

Website: https://case.edu/law/clinic 

Phone: 216-368-2766 

Learn more about the road to solar access in Ohio

Check out our HOA Issues & Solar Access page

Read about the Realtors Sustainability Report.

Watch our webinars:

Read more legal information on the recent changes to HOA rules regarding solar installation.