Closed to new members

Miami Valley 2023 Solar and EV Charger Co-op

Open to homeowners and small businesses in Greene, Montgomery, Preble, Clark, Butler, Champaign, Drake, Miami and Warren Counties.

79 members of 150 member goal

Registration closes on January 22, 2024

Interested in solar for your business or nonprofit? Click here and sign up for the Miami Valley 2023 Business and Nonprofit Solar Co-op (open to non-residential facilities).

Miami valley residents are welcome to join the Miami Valley 2023 Solar and EV Charger Co-op. 

Imagine walking into a solar company’s office with 50 or 100 of your neighbors and saying, “We all want to get solar. What kind of deal can you give us?”

That’s a solar co-op!

In fact, it’s even better than that. In addition to competitive pricing on solar panels, you get:

  • Info to help you understand solar. Our vendor-neutral solar experts are here to help you understand how solar works and make the best decision for your energy needs.
  • A direct line to ask specific questions. You can call or email us anytime you need help. We’ll be here now and long after you install solar.
  • A team that solicits and reviews proposals from solar companies. First, Solar United Neighbors requests bids on your behalf. Then, a committee of your fellow co-op members meet to assess the pros and cons and select the best installer for the group. (Note: If that sounds interesting to you, you’re also welcome to join the selection committee!)
  • Community. You’ll join the growing solar movement. You’ll have a built-in network of support and inspiration from others who, like you, are taking a stand for energy freedom and advancing the clean energy economy.
  • A bigger impact! Going solar creates jobs, and puts energy production and its benefits back in the hands of the people and contributes to cleaner air and water for everyone. A solar co-op amplifies those outcomes exponentially.

Watch the video below to learn more about our solar co-op process and its benefits, or view our FAQs.

How does a solar co-op work?

Can’t make our info session?

Watch a recorded session for general information on solar, how co-ops work, and what to expect if you join.

How much does solar cost?

Miami Valley 2023 Solar and EV Charger Co-op selects Ohio Power Solutions to serve group

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Miami Valley 2023 Solar and EV charger Co-op has selected Ohio Power Solutions to install solar panels for the group. Co-op members selected Ohio Power Solutions through a competitive bidding process over 3 other firms. They were chosen for their warranties, pricing, product selection, experience, strong customer ratings as well as capacity to handle a large co-op. Ohio Power Solutions will provide each co-op member with an individualized proposal based on the group rate. By going solar as a group and choosing a single installer, members can save off the cost of going solar and have the support of fellow group members and solar experts at Solar United Neighbors.

Co-op launched
September 7, 2023

Upcoming events

Installer selected

Co-op members selected Ohio Power Solutions to be the group's installer through an open and competitive bidding process.

The company is in the process of developing personalized proposals for each co-op participant.

Co-op organizer

Mryia Williams
Ohio Program Associate
Solar United Neighbors

Mryia is a sustainability-minded individual who started with SUN in a contract role to educate on the need for policy for the solar rights of those living within a HomeOwners Association and is looking forward to expanding on that in her new role as Ohio Program Associate. She has personal experience with the Solar United Neighbors Co-Op process as she and her husband went solar on their own home with the Columbus 2020 Co-Op. Mryia also enjoys sharing her knowledge about electric vehicles and how they can partner with solar installations.

In her downtime, Mryia likes to spend time with her three cats, cheer on her favorite hockey team, and tend to her backyard garden.

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