Make a difference in Hawaii's solar rights.
Make a difference in Hawaii's solar rights.

Solar Advocacy: Tell Hawaii’s utility regulators to save local solar

What is happening

A recent order by Hawaii’s utility regulators threatens our right to produce locally-owned solar energy. The half-baked rules would overhaul solar and battery incentive programs at the expense of its customers. That is why we’re fighting back and calling on the utility commissioners to adopt changes that will keep solar affordable and accessible for everyone. 

Hawaii is already a leader in solar. Rooftop solar and battery storage provide clean, reliable energy in more homes than ever before. The recent proposal will reverse years of progress towards clean energy goals and will lead to increased costs for all utility customers. This bad deal will:

  • Make it harder and more expensive for families to install solar and batteries 
  • Fail to fully compensate solar owners for the energy they produce and share with their neighbors
  • Discourage customers from helping to build a clean and efficient energy grid
  • Locks customers into high monopoly utility rates

We need solar advocates to urge utility regulators to adopt critical changes before these programs begin.

Take action!

Urge the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission to put customers first