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Make a difference in D.C.'s solar rights.

Solar Advocacy: Testify at 10/3 hearing to support local solar expansion

Sign up to testify by 12:30 p.m. on Oct. 2
Speak up to support local solar expansion

What is happening

Testify virtually at the Council meeting on October 3 at 12:30 p.m. Let D.C. Councilmembers know solar advocates support the Local Solar Expansion Amendment Act of 2022. Use form to the right or below to sign up to testify. Learn more about the bill below.

Solar is thriving in the District. You have the chance to keep it going! The D.C. Council is considering legislation that will keep solar affordable and make it easier for others to access the benefits from harnessing the power of the sun.

D.C. has legislation requiring us to get to 100% clean energy. But, how that energy is generated is important too. Rooftop and community solar is the best way to ensure that policy directly benefits local residents with lower bills and local jobs!

The bill by Councilmember Mary Cheh will protect the value of solar. It does so by ensuring that Pepco is has to buy a steady supply of solar credits from D.C. solar owners. This will help spur additional solar adoption.

Here’s a few reasons why its easy for solar advocates to lend their support:

  • The proposal will encourage more solar in the community. It will increase the District’s target for solar from 10% to 15% by 2041.
  • Creates a level playing-field for consumers that go solar. Solar credits play a huge role in increasing solar capacity in D.C. Solar has grown by 40% in the past two years. These incentives come in the form of Solar Renewable Energy Credits known as “SRECs” for short. This bill will help stabilize SREC prices. It could potentially spur an increase in 2023. This would help solar homeowners see quicker return on investment.

Sign up to testify at the hearing using the form at right or below.  Use the button below to email your councilmembers.

Learn more and email your Councilmembers here


What you can do

Submit this form to sign up to testify virtually at the 10/3 hearing that D.C. City Council is having on the Local Solar Expansion Amendment Act (B24-950).