Make a difference in Vermont's solar rights.
Make a difference in Vermont's solar rights.

Solar Advocacy: Keep clean energy and solar moving forward in Vermont

What is happening

We can help more Vermonters benefits from solar energy. State legislators just passed House Bill 289 that will update Renewable Energy Standard requirements to increase adoption of home solar and other clean energy. Now we need you to urge Governor Scott to sign it and side with a majority of Vermonters. 

This bill ensures that we can power Vermont with 100% renewable energy by 2035. Residential solar is a key part of this plan. It empowers Vermonters with the ability to self-generate and take control where their energy comes from. Every home that adopts solar makes Vermont less reliant on expensive, dirty energy sources from out-of-state. 

Home solar does more than help a homeowner access clean energy; it also adds resiliency and reliability to the grid in the face of extreme weather events and high electric demands. Passing H.289 will afford Vermonters more access to affordable and self-generated energy.

Take action!

Help more Vermonters to benefit from solar energy