DC nonprofit Beyond Pesticides gets power from the sun, saves money

By Emily Steiver on November 22, 2013

WASHINGTON DC – DC nonprofit Beyond Pesticides installed a 6kW solar system on their rooftop as part of a community bulk purchase program in an effort to engage in local sustainability efforts and save money.

Last May, Beyond Pesticides banded together with a group of DC nonprofits and local businesses to go solar together and save money and time in the process. They partnered with DC Solar United Neighborhoods (DC SUN), a volunteer-based solar advocacy organization, and DC’s SolSystems, a leading solar development firm, to organize the solar bulk purchase. The group selected Solar Solution, a leading DC based, certified minority owned business, to install the solar systems.

Solar Solution completed the solar installation this fall and Beyond Pesticides is now solar powered. Over the lifetime of the installations, Beyond Pesticides calculated expected savings of $15, 000 to $17,000 with no upfront costs.

“Beyond Pesticides aims to effect change through local action to protect public health and the environment,” said Beyond Pesticides Director Jay Feldman, “and going solar will help us to further our mission. Working with other community organizations to go solar allowed us to participate in local sustainability efforts and save money at the same time. It was a great opportunity and we are excited to have the panels up and running.”

Anya Schoolman, President of DC SUN, said the bulk purchase was a win-win solution and she was excited to help these groups go solar:

“On top of generating renewable energy, going solar gives these organizations the opportunity to save on their electricity bills and invest those savings back into the people and communities that they serve. Each group is doing incredible work in the District, and saving money by going solar allows them to dedicate more funding towards mission-based activities and magnify their impact.”

Beyond Pesticides works through a network of individuals and community organizations at the local and national level to identify the risks associated with pesticide use and promote least-hazardous pest management alternatives.

For more information, contact Anya Schoolman (DC SUN) at anya@solarunitedneighbors.org or Drew Toher (Beyond Pesticides) at 202-543-5450.

About Beyond Pesticides

Beyond Pesticides (formerly National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., which works with allies in protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides.  Beyond Pesticides seeks to protect healthy air, water, land and food for ourselves and future generations. By forging ties with governments, nonprofits and people who rely on these natural resources, we reduce the need for unnecessary pesticide use and protect public health and the environment

About DC SUN

DC SUN is a diverse and growing group of families, businesses and neighborhood leaders working to make rooftop solar power convenient and affordable for everybody in DC. We’re a 100% volunteer organization that’s not affiliated with any specific product or company and we seek to grow DC’s solar market. In addition to facilitating this solar bulk purchase, we are working on a number of other initiatives outlined on our website.