Solar Gardens in DC

By Emily Steiver on September 8, 2010

Last night at the Mayor’s forum (Only Vince Grey showed up)–my apologies to those of you who expected both candidates to show up, I asked Vince Grey the following question–

The Mt Pleasant Solar Coop is pushing for affordable solar for every resident in Washington DC. We see it as a way to build great green jobs and business here in the District and a way to bring down our energy costs for the next 25 years. We are hoping to create a national model and forge a road to the clean energy economy.

A key next step is the creation of solar gardens—the idea is to pass a simple piece of legislation that would allow anyone in the City to own a grid tied solar panel—and get credit on their electric bill–even if the panel isn’t on their own roof! This would mean that anyone in DC could go solar, even if they lived in an apartment building or condo or public housing.

My question is: would you help us pass such legislation and support its implementation and What other ideas do you have to expand and support solar in DC?

Grey seemed open to the idea and asked to see a draft bill. Perhaps even more exciting was the number of people who have contacted me since to say–the want to help or tell me more.

Comments? Questions?