Share your story! Help us bring community solar to Pennsylvania.

Not everyone can install solar panels where they live. This may be because they rent, or their roof may be a bad fit for solar. Community solar offers the benefit of solar if you can’t, or prefer not to, install solar panels on your home.

Community solar lets individuals, businesses, or organizations subscribe to a “share” in a local solar project. When you join a community solar project, you receive a credit on your electric bill each month. The size of your share determines how much credit you receive.

Community solar is not available everywhere, yet. But in Pennsylvania, the state Senate is now considering a bill that would enable it.

We want to hear your story, so we can help lawmakers see why Pennsylvanians support community solar!


Permission to share my story

By sharing your story, you are granting Solar United Neighbors permission to publish it on our website, and share it with other potential solar owners and policymakers.