Warren – Winter Park, Florida

December 15, 2023

Net metering along with solar tax credit helps make pay off less than 7 years.

Waren – Winter Park, FL

System size: 10 kW

Why did you decide to go solar?

Wanted to save money over time and help move away from fossil fuels.

Did anything surprise you about the process of going solar?

Net metering being a way to have a faster pay-off.

Why did you choose to go solar with Solar United Neighbors?

The great pricing compared to other companies.

What benefits did you experience going solar with a co-op?

Education about solar.

Do you have any data about your solar system performance? What electricity savings have you seen since going solar?

17.5 MW lifetime production since May 2022. Approximately $2800 in savings.

What advice would you give to someone considering going solar?

Just do it. Net metering along with solar tax credit helps make pay off less than 7 years.