Keep solar growing in Tucson

TEP Customers: Are new rules stopping you from going solar?

What’s going on in Tucson?

In some areas of Tucson, Tucson Electric Power (TEP) claims there is already too much rooftop solar. This is also known as distributed generation (DG) on the electricity grid. TEP is using new state regulations to deny new rooftop solar installations in these parts of town, mapped here. Some customers in affected areas are still able to go solar but must agree not to export energy back to the grid by installing additional equipment like battery storage units. This means these customers won’t see credits back from TEP for excess solar energy produced and will incur substantial additional installation costs.

What can we do about it?

We are gathering information about this situation. We want to hear from people who have been denied the chance to go solar. We want to work with customers, solar installers, the utility, and regulators to find solutions. This could include deploying and incentivizing battery storage systems in these neighborhoods. This would allow for more rooftop solar installations.

Have you been impacted?

Add your name if you have been denied the chance to go solar as a TEP customer because of the new rules. We want to understand how customers have been impacted and raise your voice to TEP and state regulators at the Arizona Corporation Commission as we work toward solutions.

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