Your donation at work

Our work is possible only thanks to the thousands of people supporting this effort.

Your support is vital to the work we do.

You help us bring affordable clean energy to communities across the country.

And, you help us take on critical policy fights for a clean, democratic, and resilient energy system.

Amplifying regular voices is essential for building a democratic energy system. That’s why we’re dedicated to representing solar owners and supporters.

We are determined to build an energy system that meets the needs, upholds the values, and improves quality of life for all Americans. Join us!

Your donation has a big impact

The Catalogue for Philanthropy named us “one of the best” community-based nonprofits.

As of our latest accounting, every $1 of support we receive translates into $44 of wealth created in local communities! This is because we’re helping people go solar, save on their electric bills, and keep money in their communities. And, this process also creates local solar jobs.













Learn more about our impacts and check out past annual reports, which showcase how your donations get used on the ground.

What people we’ve worked with say:

I think [Solar United Neighbors of Virginia] is the most effective solar advocacy organization in Virginia Tom Crockett, Hampton Roads, Virginia

I think the co-op is precisely the kind of thing needed to end the power base of the fossil fuel industry. [Solar co-ops…] make it easy and affordable for everyone to utilize free energy. It will make America a much more resilient country against natural disasters. Timothy, a Florida solar co-op member

A few months ago, you helped me communicate with our installer, and through both you and [the installer] my questions and concerns were addressed. Without your intervention and support I probably would have cancelled my project. I am happy that I didn’t cancel the project and I’m excited to start generating electricity. Maryland solar co-op member

I believe WV SUN plays a vital role in the growth of the solar industry in West Virginia. Their success is a success for my business, many other solar businesses, and the thousands of workers who are unemployed in this state. Doyle Tenney, owner of DT Solar, a West Virginia solar company

Why our supporters donate

Ruth Amundsen in Virginia donates because we “are helping get more solar in Virginia!!”

Jacob Howley of Maryland donates because “It helps people take power into their own hands – literally!”
Matt Conrad and family went solar in 2016. Matt donated to Solar United Neighbors “because of [his children’s] future.”