Basic resources to get you started when thinking about solar

By Ben Delman on March 13, 2018

Going solar can seem challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. Solar United Neighbors has put together a wealth of resources from a decade plus of experience to help you navigate the process with ease.

How does solar work? This article explains how you can use the sun to power your home.

Is my roof good for solar? This article describes what makes a roof a good solar candidate.

How do panels attach to my roof? This article discusses various roof types and how panels are fitted on your roof.

How can I pay for my system? This article walks you through the various ways you can finance your system.

What is net metering? This article explains how you are compensated for excess electricity that your system generates.

What warranties are associated with my system? This article describes the three types of warranties you should be familiar with before going solar.

What should I look for in a solar installer? This article tells you what qualifications your solar installer should have.

What if I want to sell my solar home? This guide takes you through the steps to ensure your solar system is an asset when you sell.