We’re the only organization focused on the rights of solar home owners

Our energy system is changing. If we let big utilities lead this change, we will be stuck with a centralized system that rewards their investors and discourages distributed power generation, like rooftop solar.

Solar United Neighbors helps people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights.
Solar United Neighbors helps people go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights.

We at Solar United Neighbors are not sitting by.

We’re organizing solar owners to fight for our right to go solar and save money on our electric bills. And we can win this fight! Nevada eliminated net metering in 2015 but grassroots pressure forced a reinstatement of the policy. In Virginia, we just successfully blocked the addition of increased charges on solar homeowners’ electric bills.

Most importantly, we’re demanding a seat at the table as we plan the evolution of our energy system. Our influence grows with each new member.

  • We fight for a modern energy system with rooftop solar as the cornerstone
  • We stand up to monopoly utilities that don’t put customers first
  • We keep you abreast of advancing technology and policy development
  • We notify you when its time to take action to protect your solar investment
Become a member today!