Holding monopoly utilities accountable & protecting consumers

Sign up to join the fight to hold monopoly utilities accountable! 

Monopoly utilities use corrupt politicians to take advantage of the system and harm taxpayers. They can do so because current laws let them. The FirstEnergy scandal has exposed the corruption and lack of transparency of monopoly utilities in the state of Ohio.

Monopoly utilities must be held accountable. For too long Ohio monopoly utilities have been able to operate with impunity. Ohio laws basic transparency measures that would. This is state-sponsored corruption at its worst.

Solar United Neighbors’ Monopoly Utility Accountability Project is shining a bright spotlight on monopoly utilities and pushing for an agenda to prevent corruption and protect taxpayers.

Sign up to join the fight and demand Ohio taxpayers aren’t forced to foot the bills for monopoly utilities’ political spending. 

Ohio’s monopoly utilities use hidden fees to charge us for political contributions and lobbying expenses. This is the kind of spending that FirstEnergy used to buy its way into a corrupt $1.3 billion taxpayer-funded bailout.

We can stop ugly bailouts like this by barring monopoly utilities from forcing us, the customers, to pay their political and lobbying expenses.

They abuse the system, we pay the bills. It has to stop.

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